Add Comment components

  • Add the Velt Comments component to the root of your app.
  • This component is required to render comments in your app.
<VeltProvider apiKey="API_KEY">
  <VeltComments />

Install the Velt Tiptap extension

npm i @veltdev/tiptap-velt-comments

Import and add the extension to your Tiptap editor

import { TiptapVeltComments } from '@veltdev/tiptap-velt-comments';

const editor = new Editor({
  extensions: [
    // ... other extensions

Add a button to add a comment in the context menu

  • Add a button that appears in the context menu of your Tiptap editor when the user selects text. Refer to the Tiptap documentation to learn more about custom menus.
  • This button will be used to add a comment to the selected text.

Call `addTiptapVeltComment` to add a comment

  • Call this method to add a comment to selected text in the Tiptap editor. You can use this when the user clicks on the comment button in context menu or presses a keyboard shortcut.

  • Args:

    • editor: instance of the Tiptap editor.
    • tiptapVeltCommentConfig: optional object to set the Comment Annotation’s custom metadata.
  • Example:

    import { addTiptapVeltComment } from '@veltdev/tiptap-velt-comments';
    const tiptapVeltCommentConfig = {
      context: {
        storyId: 'story-id',
        storyName: 'story-name',
    addTiptapVeltComment(editor, tiptapVeltCommentConfig);

Style the commented text

  • You can style the commented text by adding a CSS class to the velt-comment-text element.
  • By using the comment-available attribute, you can apply styles only when the comment data has loaded.
velt-comment-text[comment-available="true"] {
  background-color: #ffff00;