
Bug Fixes



  • [Comments]: Added createdAt field for CommentAnnotation model. This can now be used to sort annotations in ascending order of creation.
  • [Comments]: Added isEdited and editedAt fields in Comment model. This can now used to indicate if and when a comment is edited.
  • [Comments]: In multithread mode, the count on the header is now synced with the total threads visible after all the fitlers are applied.
  • [Comments]: Inline and multi-thread comments are now sorted in ascending order by the createdAt field, maintaining backward compatibility.
  • [Comments]: Improved the behavior where the mutlthread container was auto-closing when one of the threads was deleted or resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • [Comments]: Fixed a bug where deleting a recording in a single-comment thread incorrectly triggered the Delete Thread dialog.
  • [Comments]: Fixed a bug where resolved comment threads weren’t disappearing in inline comment mode.


New Features

  • [Notifications]: Added a configurable option to show read notifications in the “For You” tab. By default, read notifications are removed from the “For You” tab.

Using Props:

<VeltNotificationsTool readNotificationsOnForYouTab={true} />
<VeltNotificationsPanel readNotificationsOnForYouTab={true} />

Using APIs:

const notificationElement = useNotificationUtils();
// Enable to keep read notifications in the for you tab
// Disable to hide read notifications in the for you tab

For more details on customizing notifications behavior, refer to the Notifications Behavior section.


  • [REST API]: Added advanced querying and pagination on REST APIs for improved performance and functionality.
  • [Comments]: Made the rendering of comment dialog action buttons configurable via CSS on hover or selection.

Bug Fixes

  • [Comments]: Resolved a rare bug where the triangle pin component would cause the comment dialog to flicker on hover in popover comment mode.
  • [Autocomplete dropdowns]: Fixed a bug where the autocomplete dropdown component would not apply the --velt-default-font-family.
  • [Notifications]: Fixed a bug occurring when marking all notifications as read in large notification data sets.


New Features

  • [Comments]: Added a standalone Comment Composer component. Now you can use this in combination with Velt Comment Threads component to embed commenting experiences in custom ways.

    <VeltCommentComposer />
  • [Inline Comments]: Added single thread option to inline comments. By default, it will be in multithread mode. Default value: true

    <VeltInlineCommentsSection multiThread={false} />