The Comments component will emit webhook notifications whenever an action type occurs on a comment.

To read more about how to setup webhooks with our SDK, click here.

List of Action Types

Action TypeDescription
newlyAddedWhen the first comment in a thread is added
addedWhen a new comment is added. Not used for the first comment in a thread - see newlyAdded
updatedWhen an existing comment content gets updated
deletedWhen an existing comments gets deleted
approvedWhen the comment is approved by the moderator. This is only applicable if you have turned on Moderator Mode.
assignedWhen a comment gets assigned to a user
statusChangedWhen a comment has its status changed (e.g. in progress, resolved, opened)
priorityChangedWhen a comment has its priority changed (e.g. P0, P1, P2 or custom set priorities)
accessModeChangedWhen a comment is changed from private to public or vice-versa
acceptedWhen a comment gets accepted by the moderator. This is only applicable if you have turned on Moderator Mode.
rejectedWhen a comment gets rejected by the moderator. This is only applicable if you have turned on Moderator Mode.
reactionAddedWhen a reaction is added to a comment.
reactionDeletedWhen a reaction is removed from a comment.
subscribedWhen a user subscribes to a comment annotation using the option in the UI.
unsubscribedWhen a user unsubscribes from a comment annotation using the option in the UI.

Webhook Data

webhookIdstringYesThe unique identifier for the webhook event.
commentAnnotationCommentAnnotationYesThe target CommentAnnotation object on which the event happened.
targetCommentCommentOptionalThe target Comment object on which the event happened. This field will not be present if the event was at CommentAnnotation level. Eg: deleted the entire comment annotation, resolved comment, approved comment.
actionTypestringYesThis can have the values listed above
notificationSourcestringYesIndicates the source of the notification
actionUserstringYesContains information about the user who performed the action, including their name, email, and user ID.
metadatastringYesThis field contains additional metadata related to the annotation, such as the API key, client document ID, document ID, and information about various locations where the annotation is associated with a web page.