

  • [Comments]: Pass the id attribute on either the <video> tag or its parent element. This simplifies the implementation of comments on custom video players.
  <div id="videoPlayerId">
    <VeltCommentPlayerTimeline videoPlayerId="videoPlayerId" totalMediaLength="12"></VeltCommentPlayerTimeline>
    <VeltReactionTool videoPlayerId="videoPlayerId"></VeltReactionTool>


New Features

  • [Comments]: Added an “Unresolve Comment” button component in the comment dialog. This button is used to unresolve a comment that was previously marked as resolved.
<VeltCommentDialogWireframe.UnresolveButton />


  • [Comments]: Improved comment text handling by trimming whitespace from commentText and commentHtml in the comment dialog.

Bug Fixes

  • [Comments]: Fixed an issue with autocomplete chip shadowDOM not being updated.
  • [Notifications]: Resolved an issue where documents with empty notifications were still being rendered.
  • [Users]: Fixed a bug related to special characters in user names.
  • [Comments]: Fixed an issue where the checkbox in the location filter dropdown in sidebar wasn’t updating on selection.
  • [Comments]: Fixed an issue where the status filter menu in the sidebar wasn’t closing properly.
  • [Recorder]: Resolved a problem where the device list wasn’t updating correctly in the recording settings menu in certain scenarios.