
New Features

  • [Comments]: Added a prop to enable confirmation before deleting a reply.

Using Props:

<VeltComments deleteReplyConfirmation={true} />

Using API:

const commentElement = client.getCommentElement();
  • [Comments]: Added a callback method for when a comment link is copied. You can use this to track when a comment link is copied or show a confirmation toast.

Using Hooks:

  const commentLink = useCommentCopyLinkHandler();
  useEffect(() => {
    console.log('commentLink', commentLink);
  }, [commentLink]);

Using API:

const commentElement = client.getCommentElement();
commentElement.onCopyLink().subscribe((commentLink) => {
  • [Comments]: Added a minimal Actions Dropdown in Multithread comment dialog. It contains actions like ‘Mark all as read’, ‘Mark all as resolved’.


  • [UI Customization]: Renamed the velt data prop to field (old: path) to improve readability. This is backward compatible.
<VeltData field='userContact.name' />