

  • We’ve enhanced our access control model and data structure by adding the concept of ”Organizations” in addition to the existing Document and Location concepts.
  • We’ve added a feature called “Organization User Groups”. You can now create custom collection of users such as engineering, marketing etc to tag groups of users and manage access effectively.
  • We have added a debugger to improve the debugging experience during development.

Breaking changes

  • If you were previously using only Documents and want to start using the Organization feature, then you can either migrate your existing comments to the new Organization structure or contact us for this migration. We’d be happy to help you with this.
  • If you start using Organizations without migration, your data will remain intact, but the older comments won’t show up on the client.


  • An Organization is a top-level entity.
  • It contains documents, locations, and users.
  • Within an organization, you can create multiple documents, and each document can contain several locations.
  • Learn more.

Organization User Groups

You can create a custom collection of users, such as engineering, marketing, etc., to group organization users and manage access effectively.

  • This can be used to @mention a team group versus just individuals (just like in Slack).
  • This can also be used to provision access to documents.
  • Organization users can belong to multiple organization user groups.
  • Non-organization users can’t be part of organization user groups.
  • Learn more.

Access Control

You can now control access to Velt data at the Organization and Document levels. This adds an extra layer of data security. Learn more.


  • The debugger can be found in the developer console here.
  • It allows you to view real-time events fired from the Velt SDK in your application.
  • The debugger automatically pauses after 5 minutes of use. You can resume it once it does.

Added updateCommentDialogPosition Method in Comment Element

We have added a new method updateCommentDialogPosition in Comment element. This triggers a dialog position update for manual pin comments. If the pin position updates while the dialog is open and the dialog position doesn’t update, using this will manually trigger an update.

const commentElement = client.getCommentElement();