
  • These APIs have pagination built-in and return 1000 entries by default. Either extend the limit or loop over the pages to get all the data.
  • Send data pulled from each API in a separate JSON file.


Use the following Cord REST APIs to pull all the comments-related data and export it as a JSON file:





Comment File Attachments

When you pull thread and message data using the above APIs, the file attachment URL is also present in the data. However, those URLs expire. You have two options for migration:

Option 1: You can use the URL to download the files and upload them to your cloud. Send us the new file attachment URLs in the following format in a JSON file:

Sample Format:

    "documentId": "<ID>",
    "userId": "<ID>",
    "messageId": "<ID>",
    "type": "file",
    "fileData": {
        "id": "<ID>",
        "type": "file",
        "name": "<FILE_NAME>",
        "url": "<URL>",
        "mimeType": "MIME_TYPE",
        "size": 6278949,
        "uploadStatus": "uploaded"
    "fileUrl": "<URL>"

Option 2: Schedule file migration date with us so you can pull the latest comments data, which will have fresh file access tokens. Then we can download/store it on our end, and update the URLs ourselves.


Given the ephemeral nature of notifications, we don’t think you need to migrate them. However, if you do want us to migrate your notifications data, you could use this API to get the notifications data from Cord: