RecorderAnnotation Class Properties

annotationIdStringNoUnique identifier for the recorder annotation, automatically generated.
fromUserNoThe user who created the recorder annotation.
colorStringYesColor used for the annotation.
lastUpdatedAnyYesTimestamp of the last update, automatically generated.
locationIdNumberYesUnique location ID from provided location.
locationLocationYesLocation to identify user on sub document.
typeStringYesType of annotation.
recordingTypeStringNoType of recording for the annotation.
modeStringNoMode of the recorder annotation, ‘floating’ or ‘thread’.
approvedBooleanYesIndicates if the annotation is approved.
attachmentAttachmentYesAttachment for recorded media. Deprecated.
attachmentsAttachment[]NoList of attachments for the annotation.
annotationIndexNumberYesIndex of the annotation in a list.
pageInfoPageInfoYesInformation about the page where the annotation is made.
recordedTimeObjectYesRecorded time details.
transcriptionTranscriptionYesTranscription of the recorded media.