FilterTypeConfig Class

namestringYesThe name of the filter type.
enablebooleanYesEnables or disables the filter type.
multiSelectionbooleanYesAllows multiple selections if set to true.
enableGroupingbooleanYesEnables grouping within the filter type if set to true.

CommentSidebarFilterConfig Class

locationFilterTypeConfigYesConfiguration for the location filter type.
peopleFilterTypeConfigYesConfiguration for the people filter type.
priorityFilterTypeConfigYesConfiguration for the priority filter type.
categoryFilterTypeConfigYesConfiguration for the category filter type.
commentTypeFilterTypeConfigYesConfiguration for the comment type filter.
versionFilterTypeConfigYesConfiguration for the version filter type.

CommentSidebarGroupConfig Class

enablebooleanYesEnables or disables grouping.
namestringYesThe name of the group.

CommentSidebarFilters Class

locationLocation[]YesArray of Location objects for the location filters.
peopleObject[]YesArray of objects with userId, email, and name for people filters.
prioritystring[]YesArray of priority filters.
statusstring[]YesArray of status filters.
categorystring[]YesArray of category filters.
versionObject[]YesArray of objects with id and optional name for version filters.