• A customizable button component that can be used to add custom actions and extend the functionality of any Velt component. Some examples include:
    • Add custom filtering, sorting and grouping to the Comment Sidebar
    • Add custom actions to each item in the Notifications panel.
    • Add custom actions to the Comment Dialog.
  • In the callback event, in addition to returning the button context, it also returns the key component data that it sits within Eg: CommentAnnotation, Comment, Notification, CommentSidebarData etc.


  • button: Basic clickable button
  • button-toggle: Toggleable button that maintains state
  • single-select: Single select (radio button) group
  • multi-select: Multi select (checkbox) group

Component Props

idstringYesUnique identifier for the button
typestringNoButton type: ‘button’ (default), ‘button-toggle’, ‘multi-select’, or ‘single-select’
disabledbooleanNoWhether the button is disabled
activebooleanNoWhether the button is in active/selected state. Use this if you want to add a default state to the button. Applies to ‘button-toggle’, ‘multi-select’, or ‘single-select’ buttons.
groupstringNoGroup identifier for single-select/multi-select buttons



    <VeltCommentsSidebarWireframe.Search />
    <VeltCommentsSidebarWireframe.FilterButton />

    <VeltButtonWireframe id="close-sidebar" type="button">
        <div className="custom-button">Close Sidebar</div>


Handle the button click event:

// Hook
const veltButtonClickEventData = useVeltEventCallback('veltButtonClick');
useEffect(() => {
  if (veltButtonClickEventData) {
    if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext.clickedButtonId === 'close-sidebar') {
      // Close sidebar
}, [veltButtonClickEventData]);

// API Method
client.on('veltButtonClick').subscribe(veltButtonClickEventData => {
  if (veltButtonClickEventData) {
    if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext.clickedButtonId === 'close-sidebar') {
      // Close sidebar

Button Toggle

    <VeltCommentsSidebarWireframe.Search />
    <VeltCommentsSidebarWireframe.FilterButton />
    {/* Optional: Set the active prop to true if you want to add a default state to the button */}
    <VeltButtonWireframe id="toggleCommentPins" type="button-toggle" active={true}>
        <div className="custom-button">Toggle Comment Pins</div>


Handle the button click event:

// Hook
const veltButtonClickEventData = useVeltEventCallback('veltButtonClick');
useEffect(() => {
  if (veltButtonClickEventData) {
    if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.clickedButtonId === 'toggleCommentPins') {
      if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.selections?.ungrouped['toggleCommentPins']) {
      } else {
}, [veltButtonClickEventData]);

// API Method
client.on('veltButtonClick').subscribe(veltButtonClickEventData => {
  if (veltButtonClickEventData) {
    if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.clickedButtonId === 'toggleCommentPins') {
      if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.selections?.ungrouped['toggleCommentPins']) {
      } else {

Single Select Button Group

      <VeltCommentsSidebarWireframe.Header />
      <div className="custom-filter-chip-container">

          <VeltButtonWireframe id="unread" type="single-select" group="custom-filter">
              <div className="custom-filter-chip-button">Unread</div>

          <VeltButtonWireframe id="mentions" type="single-select" group="custom-filter">
              <div className="custom-filter-chip-button">Mentions</div>


Handle the button click event:

// Hook
const veltButtonClickEventData = useVeltEventCallback('veltButtonClick');
useEffect(() => {
  if (veltButtonClickEventData) {
    if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.groupId === 'custom-filter') {
      const selectedFilter = veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.selections?.['custom-filter'];
      if (selectedFilter?.unread) {
        // show unread comments
      } else if (selectedFilter?.mentions) {
        // show comments with mentions
}, [veltButtonClickEventData]);

// API Method
client.on('veltButtonClick').subscribe(veltButtonClickEventData => {
  if (veltButtonClickEventData) {
    if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.groupId === 'custom-filter') {
      const selectedFilter = veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.selections?.['custom-filter'];
      if (selectedFilter?.unread) {
        // show unread comments
      } else if (selectedFilter?.mentions) {
        // show comments with mentions

Multi Select Button Group

      <VeltCommentsSidebarWireframe.Header />
      <div className="custom-filter-chip-container">

          <VeltButtonWireframe id="unread" type="multi-select" group="custom-filter">
              <div className="custom-filter-chip-button">Unread</div>

          <VeltButtonWireframe id="mentions" type="multi-select" group="custom-filter">
              <div className="custom-filter-chip-button">Mentions</div>


Handle the button click event:

// Hook
const veltButtonClickEventData = useVeltEventCallback('veltButtonClick');
useEffect(() => {
  if (veltButtonClickEventData) {
    if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.groupId === 'custom-filter') {
      const selections = veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.selections?.['custom-filter'];
      if (selections?.unread) {
        // show unread comments
      if (selections?.mentions) {
        // show comments with mentions
}, [veltButtonClickEventData]);

// API Method
client.on('veltButtonClick').subscribe(veltButtonClickEventData => {
  if (veltButtonClickEventData) {
    if (veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.groupId === 'custom-filter') {
      const selections = veltButtonClickEventData.buttonContext?.selections?.['custom-filter'];
      if (selections?.unread) {
        // show unread comments
      if (selections?.mentions) {
        // show comments with mentions

Callback Event

The Velt Button Wireframe emits events when users interact with it. You can listen to these events to implement custom behaviors.

// Hook
const veltButtonClickEventData = useVeltEventCallback('veltButtonClick');
useEffect(() => {
  if (veltButtonClickEventData) {
    // Handle button click event response
}, [veltButtonClickEventData]);

// API Method
client.on('veltButtonClick').subscribe((veltButtonClickEventData) => {
    // Handle button click event response