
  • Latest SDK: 1.0.84
  • Latest Types: 1.0.101

Option to Remove Comment Tool from Velt Video Player

We have introduced a new option to the Velt Video Player component, allowing users to remove the Comment Tool. This feature offers greater flexibility in customizing the player interface according to your specific needs.

Velt Video Player with Comment Tool Enabled

To remove the Comment Tool from the VeltVideoPlayer control panel, set the commentTool property to false.

<VeltVideoPlayer commentTool={false} />

View Analytics Component

Introducing the View Analytics component, a powerful tool for tracking visitor engagement with your documents. Simply integrate this component into your project to gain insights into document viewership. Customize it to display visitor data tailored to specific locations, enhancing your analytics capabilities.

Open in larger window

React Hooks Integration

We’re excited to announce the addition of custom React Hooks to our SDK, streamlining the development process for our users. These hooks provide an alternative method for interacting with the SDK, offering a smoother developer experience. By utilizing hooks, you can access SDK functionalities without the need for additional wrappers, such as useEffect hooks. This enhancement simplifies your codebase and improves overall efficiency.

import { useSetDocumentId } from '@veltdev/react';

export default function YourDocument() {


  return (
        Your Document Template