
The new features in this release give you more control over the sidebar button, Recorder media options, reactions, and contact list.

Enable Sidebar Button on Comment Dialog

By default, each Comment Dialog has a button at the bottom that will open the Comments Sidebar when clicked. You can now disable this button by setting the sidebarButtonOnCommentDialog prop to false.

Subscribe to Sidebar Button Clicks on Comment Dialog

You can now subscribe to clicks on the Sidebar Button at the bottom of the Comment Dialog by passing a callback to the onSidebarButtonOnCommentDialogClick event handler.

Set Recorder Media Options

You can now set the Recorder media options within Comments: (audio, screen, video, all, or none). By default, only audio recording is enabled. To set the Recorder media options, pass in a comma separated string of the features you want to enable.

Enable Reactions

You can now enable or disable emoji reactions in Comments. By default, reactions are enabled.

Add Comments on specific elements

You can now add a Comment on a specific element by ID. To do this, use the addCommentOnElement() API method and pass in an object with a specific schema.

Reset Contact List using POST Method API

You can also replace an entire Group Ids contact list using a POST Method on the following API endpoint: