
New Features

  • [Comments]: Added feature to render a comment bubble on the comment pin or triangle instead of the comment dialog. Hovering or clicking the bubble will open the comment dialog.

    • bubbleOnPin: Whether to show bubble on pin [default: false]
    • bubbleOnPinHover: If the above is true, whether to show bubble when the pin is hovered over or clicked [default: true]

    Using Props:

    <VeltComments bubbleOnPin={true} bubbleOnPinHover={false} />

    Using API:

    const commentElement = client.getCommentElement();
    // To enable showing bubble on pin
    // To disable showing bubble on pin
    // To enable option to show bubble on pin hover vs only on click
    // To disable option to show bubble on pin hover


  • [Comments]: Increased the max allowed size of attachments in composer from 2MB to 15MB.
  • [Comments]: Decreased the size of triangle in comment pin from 15px to 10px.

Bug Fixes

  • [Comments]: Fixed an issue where the comment dialog composer user avatar wireframe was not working.
  • [Comments]: Resolved minor signal-related issues.
  • [Comments]: Fixed Comment Dialog Attachments and Recording UI for inline comment mode, addressing aspect ratio issues.