
  • Set the time it takes for a User to go inactive in milliseconds.
  • By default we mark a User as inactive if they do not take any action on the document within a 5 mins timeframe.
  • If they unfocus the tab, we mark them inactive immediately.

Default: 300000ms (5 min)

<VeltPresence inactivityTime={30000} />

Using API:

const presenceElement = client.getPresenceElement();


  • Show Presence on a Location.
  • Set the location attribute on the Presence element. When there are Users at that location, their avatars will show in this Presence element.
  • Eg: For a Presentation tool, you can add Presence component at the main document level and add another Presence component on the slide thumbnails. This will render avatars at both presentation level & slide thumbnail level. For slide thumbnails, it will only show Users active on that slide.

<VeltPresence location={{page: 1}}/>


  • Set how many Presence avatars to display at a time.
  • You can set this via the maxUsers attribute. Any extra avatars will be hidden and shown in an avatar which indicates the number of extra Users.

<VeltPresence maxUsers={3} />


  • Whenever the Presence for any User changes, we emit this event with the updated list of Users currently online on this document.
<VeltPresence onPresenceUserChange={(presenceUsers) => yourMethod(presenceUsers)} />


  • Whether to include yourself in the list of Presence users.
  • Default: true

<VeltPresence self={false} />

API Method:

const presenceElement = client.getPresenceElement();


  • To handle click events on Presence avatar circles, pass an event handler to the onPresenceUserClick event.

const onPresenceUserClickEvent = (user) => {
  console.log("Clicked presence user: ", user);
<VeltPresence onPresenceUserClick={(user) => onPresenceUserClickEvent(user)} />


  • Subscribe to a list of all online users who are either active or inactive on the current document.
const presenceElement = client.getPresenceElement();
presenceElement.getOnlineUsersOnCurrentDocument().subscribe((presenceUsers) => {
  console.log("Online users: ", presenceUsers);