Getter and Setter Methods

Set Live Data

The Live State Sync feature allows you to set and update shared data that syncs in real-time across all connected clients.


  • liveStateDataId (string, required) - A unique string ID to identify the data
  • liveStateData (any serializable type, required) - The data to sync (objects, arrays, strings, numbers)

When setting data with an existing ID, it updates that data. All subscriptions are automatically managed and cleaned up.

Live State data persists indefinitely until manually removed - there is no automatic cleanup.
const liveStateDataId = 'uniqueId'; // A unique string identifier for the data
const liveStateData = { 'key': 'value' }; // The data to be synced (can be any serializable type)

// Using Hooks
useSetLiveStateData(liveStateDataId, liveStateData);

// Using API
const liveStateSyncElement = useLiveStateSyncUtils();
liveStateSyncElement.setLiveStateData(liveStateDataId, liveStateData);

Get Live Data

Get live state data by providing the unique ID used when setting the data.


  • liveStateDataId (string, required) - A unique string ID to identify the data to retrieve
  • liveStateDataConfig (object, optional) - Configuration object for controlling data retrieval behavior
    • listenToNewChangesOnly (boolean, optional) - Whether to only receive new changes from when the client subscribed (default: false)
const liveStateDataConfig = {
	listenToNewChangesOnly: true // default is false
const liveStateDataId = 'uniqueId';

// Using Hooks
const liveStateData = useLiveStateData(liveStateDataId, liveStateDataConfig);

// Using API
const liveStateSyncElement = useLiveStateSyncUtils();
let subscription = liveStateSyncElement.getLiveStateData(liveStateDataId, liveStateDataConfig).subscribe((data) => {
		// your logic here...

If using API, you can unsubscribe from the subscription after you are done:


Alternative: useLiveState()

The useLiveState() hook provides a familiar React’s useState() like API while automatically syncing state changes across all connected clients in real-time.

The hook accepts the following parameters:

  • id (string, required): Unique identifier for syncing this state across clients
  • initialValue (any, required): Initial state value
  • options (object, optional): Configuration object with the following properties:
    • syncDuration (number, optional): Debounce delay in milliseconds before syncing. Defaults to 50ms.
    • resetLiveState (boolean, optional): Whether to reset server state when the hook initializes. Defaults to false.
    • listenToNewChangesOnly (boolean, optional): When true, only receives changes that occur after subscribing and discards historical changes. Defaults to false.


  • [value, setValue, connectionState]
    • value: Current value of the data you set
    • setValue: Function to update the data
    • connectionState: Current server connection status
import { useLiveState } from "@veltdev/react";

export function MyReactComponent() {
  const [counter, setCounter, serverConnectionStateInLiveState] = useLiveState<number> ("counter", 0, {
    syncDuration: 100,
    resetLiveState: true,
    listenToNewChangesOnly: true // receive only new changes from when the client subscribed

  useEffect(() => {
    console.log('serverConnectionStateInLiveState:', serverConnectionStateInLiveState);
  }, [serverConnectionStateInLiveState]);

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setCounter((counter || 0) - 1)}>-</button>
      <span>Counter: {counter}</span>
      <button onClick={() => setCounter((counter || 0) + 1)}>+</button>

Server Connection State

The server connection state indicates the current status of the connection to Velt’s servers. The possible states are:

enum ServerConnectionState {
  ONLINE = 'online', // Connected to Velt's servers
  OFFLINE = 'offline', // Not connected to Velt's servers
  PENDING_INIT = 'pendingInit', // Pending SDK Initialization
  PENDING_DATA = 'pendingData', // Pending receiving data from server
// Using Hooks
const serverConnectionState = useServerConnectionStateChangeHandler();

useEffect(() => {
  console.log('serverConnectionState', serverConnectionState);
}, [serverConnectionState]);

// Using API
const liveStateSyncElement = useLiveStateSyncUtils();
let subscription = liveStateSyncElement.onServerConnectionStateChange().subscribe((data) => {
  console.log('server connection state change: ', data);

If using API, you can unsubscribe from the subscription after you are done:


Best Practices

  • Keep your state data structures simple and flat when possible
  • Use meaningful IDs that reflect the purpose of the data
  • If using APIs, clean up subscriptions when components unmount
  • Consider network latency when setting syncDuration
  • Sync only what you need, not the entire state
  • Use listenToNewChangesOnly when appropriate