Data models new
Property | Type | Required | Description |
annotationId | string | Yes | Unique identifier for the comment pin annotation. Auto generated |
comments | Comment[] | Yes | The list of all comments part of this annotation |
commentCategories | CustomCategory[] | Yes | The list of categories that this comment pin annotation belongs to |
from | User | Yes | The user who created this comment pin annotation |
color | string | No | Color used for the comment pin annotation |
resolved | boolean | No | Whether the comment annotation is marked resolved. Deprecated |
inProgress | boolean | No | Whether the comment annotation is marked as in progress. Deprecated |
lastUpdated | any | No | Timestamp when the comment annotation was last updated. Auto generated |
createdAt | any | No | Timestamp when the comment annotation was created. Auto generated |
position | CursorPosition | null | No | Cursor position relative to the comment annotation |
locationId | number | null | No | Unique location id generated from provided location |
location | Location | null | No | Set location to identify user on sub document |
type | string | No | Type of the comment annotation |
selectAllContent | boolean | No | If true, sets text comment annotation on all the text content |
approved | boolean | No | Whether the comment annotation is approved |
status | CustomStatus | Yes | Status of the comment annotation. Default: CommentAnnotationStatusMap.OPEN |
annotationIndex | number | No | Index of current annotation in the list |
pageInfo | PageInfo | No | Page information related to the comment annotation |
assignedTo | User | No | User to whom the comment annotation is assigned |
priority | CustomPriority | No | Priority level of the comment annotation |
ghostComment | GhostComment | null | No | Placeholder for a non-existing comment |
context | any | No | Custom context data provided by the user |
resolvedByUserId | string | No | ID of the user who resolved the comment |
subscribedUsers | CommentAnnotationSubscribedUsers | No | Users who explicitly subscribe to the comment |
unsubscribedUsers | CommentAnnotationUnsubscribedUsers | No | Users who explicitly unsubscribe to the comment |
multiThreadAnnotationId | string | No | ID of the multithread annotation group it belongs to, if created in multithread mode |
isDraft | boolean | No | Indicates if the comment annotation is in draft state |
customList | CustomAnnotationDropdownItem[] | No | Custom list of items for the comment annotation |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
commentId | number | Yes | Unique identifier for the comment pin annotation. Auto generated. |
type | 'text' | 'voice' | Yes | This determines the comment content type. Default is ‘text’. |
commentText | string | Yes | The actual text content of the comment. |
commentHtml | string | No | Same comment text but formatted in HTML. |
replaceContentHtml | string | No | HTML content to replace the comment text when user accepts the comment. |
replaceContentText | string | No | Text content to replace the comment text when user accepts the comment. |
commentVoiceUrl | string | No | URL of the voice recording for the comment, if available. |
from | User | Yes | The user who created this comment. |
to | User[] | No | List of users that were @mentioned in this comment. |
lastUpdated | Date | No | Timestamp of when this comment was last updated. Auto generated. |
editedAt | any | No | Timestamp of when this comment was edited. Auto generated. |
createdAt | any | No | Timestamp of when this comment was created. Auto generated. |
isEdited | boolean | No | Whether the comment has been edited. Auto generated. |
status | 'added' | 'updated' | Yes | Status of the comment indicating whether it was newly added or updated. |
attachments | Attachment[] | Yes | List of attachments associated with the comment. |
recorders | RecordedData[] | Yes | List of recorded data associated with the comment. |
reactionAnnotationIds | string[] | Yes | List of annotation IDs for reactions to the comment. |
taggedUserContacts | AutocompleteUserContactReplaceData[] | Yes | List of users that were @mentioned in this comment with UI metadata. |
customList | AutocompleteReplaceData[] | Yes | List of custom list items added to the comment. |
isDraft | boolean | Yes | Whether the comment is in draft state. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
text | string | Yes | The text displayed in the comment that represents the tagged user |
userId | string | Yes | The user ID of the tagged user |
contact | User | No | The user object of the tagged user |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
text | string | Yes | The text displayed in the comment that represents the custom item |
custom | AutocompleteItem | Yes | The custom item object associated with this text |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | Unique identifier for the autocomplete item |
name | string | Yes | Name or label of the autocomplete item |
description | string | No | Additional description of the autocomplete item |
icon | { url?: string } | No | Icon associated with the autocomplete item |
link | string | No | Optional link associated with the autocomplete item |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
hotkey | string | Yes | The hotkey or trigger for this autocomplete data |
description | string | No | Optional description of the autocomplete data |
type | 'custom' | 'contact' | 'group' | Yes | The type of autocomplete data. Default is ‘custom’ |
data | AutocompleteItem[] | Yes | An array of AutocompleteItem objects |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
attachmentId | number | Yes | Unique identifier for the attachment. Auto-generated |
name | string | No | File name of the attachment |
size | number | No | File size of the attachment |
type | string | No | File type of the attachment |
url | string | No | Download URL of the attachment |
thumbnail | string | No | Thumbnail image in base64 format |
thumbnailWithPlayIconUrl | string | No | URL of the thumbnail with a play icon overlay |
metadata | any | No | Additional metadata of the attachment |
mimeType | any | No | MIME type of the attachment |
Status & Priority
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | Unique identifier for the custom status |
color | string | Yes | Color associated with the custom status |
name | string | Yes | Name or label of the custom status |
type | StatusType | Yes | Type of the status (default , ongoing , or terminal ) |
lightColor | string | No | Light color for the custom status |
iconUrl | string | No | URL to an icon image for the custom status |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | Unique identifier for the custom priority |
color | string | Yes | Color associated with the custom priority |
name | string | Yes | Name or label of the custom priority |
lightColor | string | No | Light color variant for the custom priority |
Custom Lists
Property | Type | Required | Description |
type | 'multi' | 'single' | Yes | The type of the custom annotation dropdown |
placeholder | string | Yes | The placeholder text for the dropdown. Defaults to ‘Select’ |
data | CustomAnnotationDropdownItem[] | Yes | An array of dropdown items |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | The unique identifier for the dropdown item |
label | string | Yes | The display text for the dropdown item |
Default Status Object
The default status object is defined in the CommentAnnotationStatusMap
constant. It includes three predefined statuses: OPEN, IN_PROGRESS, and RESOLVED. Each status is an object with the following structure:
Comments Sidebar
Filtering & Grouping
Property | Type | Required | Description |
location | FilterTypeConfig | No | Configuration for the location filter type. |
people | FilterTypeConfig | No | Configuration for the people filter type. |
priority | FilterTypeConfig | No | Configuration for the priority filter type. |
category | FilterTypeConfig | No | Configuration for the category filter type. |
commentType | FilterTypeConfig | No | Configuration for the comment type filter. |
version | FilterTypeConfig | No | Configuration for the version filter type. |
status | FilterTypeConfig | No | Configuration for the status filter type. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | No | The name of the filter type |
enable | boolean | No | Enables or disables the filter type |
multiSelection | boolean | No | Allows multiple selections if set to true |
enableGrouping | boolean | No | Enables grouping within the filter type if set to true |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
enable | boolean | No | Enables or disables grouping |
name | string | No | The name of the group |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
location | Location[] | No | Array of Location objects for the location filters |
people | Object[] | No | Array of objects with userId , email , and name for people filters |
priority | string[] | No | Array of priority filters |
status | string[] | No | Array of status filters |
category | string[] | No | Array of category filters |
version | Object[] | No | Array of objects with id and optional name for version filters |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
groupId | string | No | ID of the group. Defaults to ‘others’ |
groupName | string | No | Name of the group. Defaults to ‘Others’ |
isExpanded | boolean | No | Whether the group is expanded. Defaults to true |
annotations | CommentAnnotation[] | Yes | List of CommentAnnotations in the group |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
grouping | boolean | No | Whether to group the data. Defaults to true |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | Notification ID |
notificationSource | string | Yes | Notification source. e.g., ‘comment’, ‘custom’, etc. |
actionType | string | No | Action that triggered the notification. e.g., ‘added’ |
isUnread | boolean | No | Whether the notification is unread for the user |
actionUser | User | No | The user who triggered the action |
timestamp | number | No | Timestamp of the notification |
displayHeadlineMessage | string | No | The headline message of the notification |
displayBodyMessage | string | No | The body message of the notification |
displayHeadlineMessageTemplate | string | No | The template of the headline message |
displayHeadlineMessageTemplateData | object | No | The data used to fill the headline message template |
forYou | boolean | No | Whether the notification is for the current logged-in user |
targetAnnotationId | string | No | ID of the annotation that triggered the notification |
notificationSourceData | any | No | The data of the notification source. e.g., CommentAnnotation |
metadata | NotificationMetadata | No | Metadata for the current notification. e.g., documentId |
notifyUsers | { [emailHash: string]: boolean } | No | Map of email hashes to boolean values indicating whether to notify the user |
notifyUsersByUserId | { [userIdHash: string]: boolean } | No | Map of user ID hashes to boolean values indicating whether to notify the user |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
apiKey | string | No | Your API key |
clientOrganizationId | string | No | The organization ID that you set |
organizationId | string | No | The organization ID generated by us |
clientDocumentId | string | No | The document ID that you set |
documentId | string | No | The document ID generated by us |
locationId | number | No | The unique location ID |
location | Location | No | The location object |
documentMetadata | Object | No | Contains the complete document metadata object |
organizationMetadata | Object | No | Contains the complete organization metadata object |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
type | { audio?: boolean, video?: boolean, screen?: boolean } | Yes | Types of media to be recorded |
recorderOptions | MediaRecorderOptions | No | Options for the media recorder |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | Annotation ID of recorder annotation |
tag | string | Yes | Recorder player tag containing recorder annotation id which can be added anywhere on the DOM |
type | string | Yes | Type of recorded data. Possible values are ‘audio’, ‘video’, and ‘screen’ |
thumbnailUrl | string | No | URL of the thumbnail image for the recorded data |
thumbnailWithPlayIconUrl | string | No | URL of the thumbnail image with a play icon overlay |
videoUrl | string | No | URL of the recorded video |
audioUrl | string | No | URL of the recorded audio |
videoPlayerUrl | string | No | URL of the hosted website to open video in a new tab |
getThumbnailTag | function | Yes | A method that returns an HTML string for displaying the thumbnail with a link to the video player |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
annotationId | String | Yes | Unique identifier for the recorder annotation, automatically generated. |
from | User | Yes | The user who created the recorder annotation. |
color | String | No | Color used for the annotation. |
lastUpdated | Any | No | Timestamp of the last update, automatically generated. |
locationId | Number | No | Unique location ID from provided location. |
location | Location | No | Location to identify user on sub document. |
type | String | No | Type of annotation. |
recordingType | String | Yes | Type of recording for the annotation. |
mode | String | Yes | Mode of the recorder annotation, ‘floating’ or ‘thread’. |
approved | Boolean | No | Indicates if the annotation is approved. |
attachment | Attachment | No | Attachment for recorded media. Deprecated. |
attachments | Attachment[] | Yes | List of attachments for the annotation. |
annotationIndex | Number | No | Index of the annotation in a list. |
pageInfo | PageInfo | No | Information about the page where the annotation is made. |
recordedTime | Object | No | Recorded time details. |
transcription | Transcription | No | Transcription of the recorded media. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
startTime | String | Yes | Start time of the transcription segment |
endTime | String | Yes | End time of the transcription segment |
startTimeInSeconds | Number | Yes | Start time of the segment in seconds |
endTimeInSeconds | Number | Yes | End time of the segment in seconds |
text | String | Yes | Transcribed text content of the segment |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
transcriptSegments | RecorderDataTranscriptSegment[] | No | Array of transcription segments |
vttFileUrl | String | No | URL to the VTT format transcription file |
contentSummary | String | No | Summary of the transcribed content |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
url | String | Yes | URL to the recorded media |
mimeType | String | No | MIME type of the recorded media |
fileName | String | No | Name of the recorded file |
fileSizeInBytes | Number | No | Size of the recorded file in bytes |
fileFormat | ’mp3’ | ‘mp4’ | ‘webm’ | String | No | The format/extension of the file |
thumbnailUrl | String | No | URL to the thumbnail image |
Live State Sync
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | A unique identifier likely used for quick reference and indexing. It’s an MD5 hash of liveStateDataId |
liveStateDataId | string | Yes | A unique identifier for the state data being synced |
data | string | number | boolean | JSON | Yes | The actual data you want to synchronize across clients |
lastUpdated | any | Yes | A timestamp or similar data indicating the last time the state data was updated |
updatedBy | User | Yes | The user who last updated the state data |
tabId | string | null | No | An identifier that could be used to associate the state data with a specific tab or instance |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
custom | { [liveStateDataId: string]: LiveStateData; } | No | Map of all unique LiveStateData set by you on the given document. |
default | Object | No | Map of all unique LiveStateData set by the default editor on the given document. |
default.singleEditor | SingleEditorLiveStateData | No | Part of default , representing single editor live state data. |
default.autoSyncState | Object | No | Part of default , representing auto synchronization state. |
Single Editor Mode
Property | Type | Required | Description |
editor | User | null | No | The user who is currently editing, if any |
requestEditorAccess | Object | null | No | Details about a request for editor access |
tabId | string | null | No | The identifier of the tab, if applicable |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
customMode | boolean | No | Enables/disables custom mode. In custom mode, input elements are not disabled for the viewer |
singleTabEditor | boolean | Yes | Enables/disables editor mode on a single tab only |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
isEditor | boolean | No | Indicates whether the user has editor privileges |
isEditorOnCurrentTab | boolean | No | Indicates whether the user is an editor on the current tab |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
state | 'idle' | 'inProgress' | 'completed' | Yes | The state of the Editor Access Request timer |
durationLeft | number | No | Duration left for the editor access timer to be completed. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
urlAllowList | string[] | No | Restricts Velt features to specific pages by specifying partial URL strings. |
featureAllowList | FeatureType[] | No | Only allows the provided Velt features to run. |
userPlanAllowList | string[] | No | Restricts Velt features to specific user plans. |
userIdAllowList | string[] | No | Restricts Velt features to specific users. |
usePrefersColorScheme | boolean | No | If set to true, listens to changes on the prefers-color-scheme media query to set the global theme of Velt components. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
AREA | 'area' | No | Area feature for drawing areas/rectangles |
ARROW | 'arrow' | No | Arrow feature for drawing arrows |
AUDIO_HUDDLE | 'audioHuddle' | No | Audio huddle feature for voice conversations |
COMMENT | 'comment' | No | Comment feature for adding comments |
CURSOR | 'cursor' | No | Cursor feature for showing user cursors |
HUDDLE | 'huddle' | No | Huddle feature for video conversations |
LIVE_STATE_SYNC | 'liveStateSync' | No | Live state sync feature |
PRESENCE | 'presence' | No | Presence feature for showing online users |
TAG | 'tag' | No | Tag feature for adding tags |
RECORDER | 'recorder' | No | Recorder feature for recording sessions |
REWRITER | 'rewriter' | No | Rewriter feature for text rewriting |
LIVE_SELECTION | 'liveSelection' | No | Live selection feature for showing user selections |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
useHistoryAPI | boolean | Yes | Indicates whether the application should use the HTML5 History API for navigation |
onNavigate | (url: PageInfo) => void | No | A callback function that is called when navigation occurs. It takes a PageInfo object as its argument, which contains details about the new page |
disableDefaultNavigation | boolean | Yes | If true , the application’s default navigation handling is disabled, perhaps to be managed manually or by another system |
darkMode | boolean | Yes | A flag indicating whether the application should display in dark mode, a display preference that may be more comfortable for users in low-light conditions |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
userId | string | Yes | Unique user identifier used to identify your user. |
name | string | No | The full name of your user. Defaults to a random avatar name if not provided. |
photoUrl | string | No | The display picture URL of your user. Defaults to a random avatar image if not provided. |
email | string | No | Required for sending email or Slack notifications to users about comments and mentions. |
plan | string | No | The product plan the user is on. |
organizationId | string | No | Autogenerated organizationId based on the organizationId you provide. |
clientorganizationId | string | No | The original organizationId provided by you. |
color | string | No | A color assigned to the user for the current session, used for avatar border, live cursor, selection etc. |
textColor | string | No | Used in the text color of the user’s intial when photoUrl is not present. |
type | string | No | The type of user. |
isReadOnly | boolean | No | Indicates if the user has read-only access. |
isAnonymous | boolean | No | Indicates if the user is anonymous and can only view comments. |
isGuest | boolean | No | Indicates if the user is a guest. |
isAdmin | boolean | No | Use this to set the user as an admin. You also need to ensure that the jwt token you generate also has this property set to true. |
groupId | string | No | [DEPRECATED] A domain name or identifier used to cluster a group of users who work together. |
clientGroupId | string | No | [DEPRECATED] The original groupId provided by the user. |
initial | string | No | First letter of the user’s first name. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
userId | string | Yes | Unique user identifier that you use to identify your user. |
name | string | No | Your user’s full name. Default: Random avatar name. |
email | string | No | Your user’s email address. |
photoUrl | string | No | Your user’s display picture URL. Default: Random avatar image. |
comment | string | No | Short comment that user can add to their live cursor. |
onlineStatus | string | Yes | User’s online status (active, inactive, offline). Auto generated. |
color | string | No | A random color assigned to the user for the session, used on avatar border/live cursor. |
timestamp | any | Yes | Server Timestamp. |
type | string | No | User type. |
locationId | number | null | No | Unique location id from provided location. |
location | Location | null | No | Location to identify user on sub document. |
position | CursorPosition | null | No | User’s cursor position on their screen. |
isReadOnly | boolean | No | Indicates if user is readonly. |
isAnonymous | boolean | No | Indicates if user is anonymous and can only view comments. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
userId | string | Yes | Unique user identifier |
name | string | No | User’s full name (Default: Random avatar name) |
email | string | No | User’s email address |
photoUrl | string | No | User’s display picture URL (Default: Random avatar image) |
onlineStatus | string | Yes | Online status (active, inactive, offline) (Auto generated) |
color | string | No | Assigned color for the user (Auto generated) |
timestamp | any | Yes | Server Timestamp |
type | string | No | User type |
selections | any | No | User selections |
documentParamsId | number | null | No | Deprecated unique document params ID |
documentParams | object | null | No | Deprecated document params |
locationId | number | null | No | Unique location ID |
location | Location | null | No | Location of user on sub document |
isReadOnly | boolean | No | Indicates if user is readonly |
isAnonymous | boolean | No | If user can only view comments (Anonymous) |
pageInfo | PageInfo | Yes | Information about the page |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
replaceContacts | boolean | No | If set to true, it will replace the user’s personal and group contacts with the ones provided. |
authToken | string | No | The authentication token of the user. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
contact | UserContact | Yes | Selected user contact details. |
isOrganizationContact | boolean | Yes | Is user part of organization contact. |
isDocumentContact | boolean | Yes | Is user part of document contact. |
documentAccessType | string | Yes | Document access type. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | No | Unique identifier of the feedback. |
apiKey | string | null | No | API key of the client. |
emailId | string | No | Email address of the feedback provider. |
message | string | No | Content of the user’s feedback message. |
from | User | null | No | User who submitted the feedback. |
lastUpdated | any | No | Timestamp of when the feedback was last updated. |
metadata | DocumentMetadata | null | No | Metadata associated with the document. |
pageInfo | PageInfo | No | Information about the user’s current page. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | No | Unique identifier of the feedback. |
apiKey | string | null | No | API key of the client. |
emailId | string | No | Email address of the feedback provider. |
message | string | No | Content of the user’s feedback message. |
from | User | null | No | User who submitted the feedback. |
lastUpdated | any | No | Timestamp of when the feedback was last updated. |
metadata | DocumentMetadata | null | No | Metadata associated with the document. |
pageInfo | PageInfo | No | Information about the user’s current page. |
Document Metadata
Property | Type | Required | Description |
clientDocumentId | string | Yes | The document ID set by you. |
documentId | string | Yes | The document ID set by the SDK. |
documentName | string | Yes | Name of the document |
pageInfo | PageInfo | Yes | Additional information about the document’s page |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
documentName | string | No | The name of the document. |
organizationId | string | No | The organizationId of the document. Use this if you are accessing document from organization different than the one you are logged in to. |
Location & Page Info
Property | Type | Required | Description |
locationId | number | No | Unique location id generated from client location information |
location | Location | null | No | Location object provided by a client |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
url | string | No | URL of the webpage |
path | string | No | Path of the webpage excluding base url |
baseUrl | string | No | Base URL (domain) of a webpage |
title | string | No | Title of the webpage |
commentUrl | string | No | Reference url of a comment annotation |
recorderUrl | string | No | Reference url of a recorder annotation |
screenWidth | number | No | User’s screen width. Auto generated. |
Preview Configuration
Property | Type | Required | Description |
audio | Object | No | Configuration for audio preview |
audio.enabled | boolean | No | Whether audio preview is enabled |
audio.deviceId | string | No | Device ID for audio input |
video | Object | No | Configuration for video preview |
video.enabled | boolean | No | Whether video preview is enabled |
video.deviceId | string | No | Device ID for video input |
screen | Object | No | Configuration for screen preview |
screen.enabled | boolean | No | Whether screen preview is enabled | | MediaStream | No | MediaStream for screen sharing |
Video Player
Property | Type | Required | Description |
playerId | String | No | The identifier for the video player instance. |
src | String | No | The source URL of the video. |
sources | String[] | No | An array of source URLs for the video. |
lastUpdated | Number | No | The timestamp of when the player was last updated. |
lastUpdatedBy | User | No | The user who last updated the player. |
lastUpdatedEvent | String | No | The name of the event that triggered the last update. |
playerState | SyncVideoPlayerState | Yes | The state object of the video player. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
playing | Boolean | No | Indicates if the video is currently playing. |
currentTime | Number | No | The current playback time of the video. |
muted | Boolean | No | Indicates if the video is muted. |
volume | Number | No | The volume level of the video. |
speed | Number | No | The playback rate of the video. |
UI Components
Property | Type | Required | Description |
type | ’link’ | ‘styles’ | Yes | The type of custom CSS, either a link to a CSS file or inline styles. |
value | string | Yes | The value of the custom CSS, either a URL or CSS styles. |
Property | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
id | Number | No | None | A unique identifier for the toast notification. |
message | String | Yes | None | The message content displayed in the toast notification. |
type | ’success’ | ‘error’ | Yes | None | The type of toast notification, indicating success or error. |
duration | Number | No | 3000 | The length of time the toast notification is displayed, in milliseconds. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
type | 'button' | 'button-toggle' | 'multi-select' | 'single-select' | No | Type of button (default: ‘button’) |
groupId | string | No | ID of the button group |
selections | VeltButtonSelectionMap | No | Map of button selections grouped by button groupIds. For buttons without a group, the groupdId will be ‘ungrouped’ |
clickedButtonId | string | No | ID of the clicked button |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
[groupId: string] | { [buttonId: string]: boolean } | No | Map of button selections for a group |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
ONLINE | string | Yes | Server connection is online and active. Value: ‘online’ |
OFFLINE | string | Yes | Server connection is offline. Value: ‘offline’ |
PENDING_INIT | string | Yes | Server connection initialization is pending. Value: ‘pendingInit’ |
PENDING_DATA | string | Yes | Server is waiting for data. Value: ‘pendingData’ |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
organizationMetadata | OrganizationMetadata | null | No | Organization metadata |
documentMetadata | DocumentMetadata | null | No | Document metadata |
location | Location | null | No | Location information |
Contact Scope
ContactListScopeForOrganizationUsers Enum
Enum Name | Event Type | Description |
ALL | all | Show all the contacts |
ORGANIZATION | organization | Show organization contacts. |
ORGANIZATION_USER_GROUP | organizationUserGroup | Show organization user groups. |
DOCUMENT | document | Show document contacts. |
Additional Features
Property | Type | Required | Description |
annotationId | String | Yes | Unique identifier for the rewriter annotation, automatically generated. |
from | User | Yes | The user who created this rewriter annotation. |
color | String | No | Color used for the rewriter annotation. |
lastUpdated | Any | No | Timestamp when the rewriter annotation was last updated, automatically generated. |
documentParamsId | Number | null | No | Unique document params ID, deprecated, use locationId instead. |
documentParams | Location | null | No | Document params to identify user on sub document, deprecated, use location instead. |
locationId | Number | null | No | Unique location ID generated from provided location. |
location | Location | null | No | Set location to identify user on sub document. |
type | String | No | Type of annotation. |
rewriterType | String | Yes | Type of rewriter for the annotation, either ‘generic’ or ‘copywriter’. |
targetTextRange | TargetTextRange | null | No | Selected text range of rewriter annotation. |
annotationIndex | Number | No | Index of the current annotation in the list of annotations. |
pageInfo | PageInfo | No | Information about the page where the annotation is made. |
selectedRewriterOption | String | No | Selected rewriter option used in the annotation. |
Property | Type | Required | Description |
from | User | Yes | The user who created the transcription. |
lastUpdated | Number | No | Timestamp of when the transcription was last updated. |
transcriptedText | String | No | The text that has been transcribed. |
Version Control
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | Yes | Unique identifier for the version |
name | string | Yes | Name of the version |
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