SyncVideoPlayer Class Properties

playerIdStringYesThe identifier for the video player instance.
srcStringYesThe source URL of the video.
sourcesString[]YesAn array of source URLs for the video.
lastUpdatedNumberYesThe timestamp of when the player was last updated.
lastUpdatedByUserYesThe user who last updated the player.
lastUpdatedEventStringYesThe name of the event that triggered the last update.
playerStateSyncVideoPlayerStateNoThe state object of the video player.

SyncVideoPlayerState Class Properties

playingBooleanYesIndicates if the video is currently playing.
currentTimeNumberYesThe current playback time of the video.
mutedBooleanYesIndicates if the video is muted.
volumeNumberYesThe volume level of the video.
speedNumberYesThe playback rate of the video.