RecorderConfig Class Properties

typeObjectNoTypes of media to be recorded
- audioBooleanYesWhether audio is to be recorded
- videoBooleanYesWhether video is to be recorded
- screenBooleanYesWhether the screen is to be recorded
recorderOptionsMediaRecorderOptionsYesOptions for the media recorder

RecorderInitData Class Properties

statusObservableNoStatus of the Media Recorder
streamMediaStreamYesStream being recorded
recordedTimeObservableNoTime duration of the recording
type‘audio’ | ‘video’ | ‘screen’NoType of media recorder used
recordedRawData$ObservableNoObservable of recorded raw data

RecordedRawData Class Properties

blobBlobNoBlob object of the recorded data
urlStringNoBase64 URL of the recorded data
type‘audio’ | ‘video’ | ‘screen’NoType of the recorded data
thumbnailStringYesBase64 encoded thumbnail of video frame
recordedTimeObjectYesInformation about the recorded time

RecordedData Class Properties

idStringNoAnnotation ID of the recorder annotation
tagStringNoTag containing recorder annotation ID
typeStringNoType of recorded data
thumbnailUrlStringYesURL of the thumbnail image
thumbnailWithPlayIconUrlStringYesURL of the thumbnail with a play icon
videoUrlStringYesURL of the recorded video
audioUrlStringYesURL of the recorded audio
videoPlayerUrlStringYesURL to open video in new tab
getThumbnailTagFunctionNoFunction to get thumbnail tag