RecorderConfig Class

type{ audio?: boolean, video?: boolean, screen?: boolean }NoTypes of media to be recorded
recorderOptionsMediaRecorderOptionsYesOptions for the media recorder

RecordedData Class

idstringNoAnnotation ID of recorder annotation.
tagstringNoRecorder player tag containing recorder annotation id which can be added anywhere on the DOM.
typestringNoType of recorded data. Possible values are ‘audio’, ‘video’, and ‘screen’.
thumbnailUrlstringYesURL of the thumbnail image for the recorded data.
thumbnailWithPlayIconUrlstringYesURL of the thumbnail image with a play icon overlay.
videoUrlstringYesURL of the recorded video.
audioUrlstringYesURL of the recorded audio.
videoPlayerUrlstringYesURL of the hosted website to open video in a new tab.
getThumbnailTagfunctionNoA method that returns an HTML string for displaying the thumbnail with a link to the video player.

getThumbnailTag Method

The getThumbnailTag method takes an optional url parameter and returns an HTML string. It creates an anchor tag linking to the videoPlayerUrl and embeds an image tag using either the provided url, thumbnailWithPlayIconUrl, or thumbnailUrl (in that order of preference).