NotificationRawData Class Properties

actionUserUserYesThe user associated with the action
notificationSourceString (Enum options)YesThe source of the notification
actionTypeEnumYesThe type of action that triggered the notification
annotationDataAnyYesData related to the annotation involved in the notification
targetAnnotationDataAnyYesSpecific data for the target annotation
recordingTypeStringYesThe type of recording for the notification
huddleTypeStringYesThe type of huddle for the notification
huddleInviteesArray of UserContact YesList of users invited to the huddle
oldStatusStringYesThe previous status in a status update notification
newStatusStringYesThe new status in a status update notification
metadataDocumentMetadata & ObjectYesCombined document metadata and additional properties like apiKey
documentUserDocumentUserYesThe document user associated with the notification
oldAccessStringYesThe old access permissions before the update
newAccessStringYesThe new access permissions after the update
userFeedbackUserFeedbackYesFeedback provided by a user
userReportBugUserReportBugYesBug report submitted by a user
userContactUsUserContactUsYesContact us submission by a user
userInviteUserInviteYesUser Invite object data