CommentAnnotation Class Properties

annotationIdstringNoUnique identifier for the comment pin annotation. Auto generated.
commentsComment[]NoThe list of all comments part of this annotation.
commentCategoriesCustomCategory[]NoThe list of categories that this comment pin annotation belongs to.
fromUserNoThe user who created this comment pin annotation.
colorstringYesColor used for the comment pin annotation.
resolvedbooleanYesWhether the comment annotation is marked resolved. Deprecated.
inProgressbooleanYesWhether the comment annotation is marked as in progress. Deprecated.
lastUpdatedanyYesTimestamp when the comment annotation was last updated. Auto generated.
positionCursorPosition | nullYesCursor position relative to the comment annotation.
locationIdnumber | nullYesUnique location id generated from provided location.
locationLocation | nullYesSet location to identify user on sub document.
typestringYesType of the comment annotation.
selectAllContentbooleanYesIf true, sets text comment annotation on all the text content.
approvedbooleanYesWhether the comment annotation is approved.
statusCustomStatusNoStatus of the comment annotation.
annotationIndexnumberYesIndex of current annotation in the list.
pageInfoPageInfoYesPage information related to the comment annotation.
assignedToUserYesUser to whom the comment annotation is assigned.
priorityCustomPriorityYesPriority level of the comment annotation.
ghostCommentGhostComment | nullYesPlaceholder for a non-existing comment.
areaAnnotationIdstringYesConnected area annotation id.
contextanyYesCustom context data provided by the user.
resolvedByUserIdstringYesID of the user who resolved the comment.