Comment Class Properties

commentIdnumberNoUnique identifier for the comment pin annotation. Auto generated.
type‘text’ | ‘voice’NoThis determines the comment content type. Default is ‘text’.
commentTextstringNoThe actual text content of the comment.
commentHtmlstringYesSame comment text but formatted in HTML.
replaceContentHtmlstringYesHTML content to replace the comment text when user accepts the comment.
replaceContentTextstringYesText content to replace the comment text when user accepts the comment.
commentVoiceUrlstringYesURL of the voice recording for the comment, if available.
fromUserNoThe user who created this comment.
toUser[]YesList of users that were @mentioned in this comment.
lastUpdatedDateYesTimestamp of when this comment was last updated. Auto generated.
status‘added’ | ‘updated’NoStatus of the comment indicating whether it was newly added or updated.
attachmentsAttachment[]NoList of attachments associated with the comment.
recordersRecordedData[]NoList of recorded data associated with the comment.
reactionAnnotationIdsstring[]NoList of annotation IDs for reactions to the comment.

ManualCommentAnnotationConfig Class Properties

contextanyYesCustom context data provided by the user.