
Added Wireframe for Custom Annotation Dropdown

We have added wireframes for custom annotation. Learn more.

Added Custom Annotation Dropdown Component Feature

You can now customize annotation dropdown component feature. Create custom list data on annotation as required.

const customChipDropdownData: {
    type: 'multi' | 'single',
    data: {
        id: string,
        label: string
} = {
    type: 'multi',
    data: [
        { id: 'violent', label: 'Violent' },
        { id: 'inappropriate', label: 'Inappropriate' },
        { id: 'robbery', label: 'Robbery' },
        { id: 'nsfw', label: 'NSFW' },

Configure maxDays In Notification Tool and Notification Element

Set maximum days for notifications tool and notifications element by using the setMaxDays() API method. By default, the maximum days are set to 30.

<VeltNotificationsTool maxDays={15} />

API Methods:

const notificationElement = client.getNotificationElement();

Added New Action Types

We have added new action types within notifications: reactionAdded, reactionDeleted.

Added Notifications Metadata Type

Added notifications metadata type. User will get this metadata from notification.metadata object in the notification callback. Learn more.

export class NotificationMetadata {
  apiKey?: string;
  clientOrganizationId?: string;
  organizationId?: string;
  clientDocumentId?: string | number;
  documentId?: string;
  locationId?: number;
  location?: Location;

Added customListDataOnComment Method

For Autocomplete data, you can now directly set the data from comment element.

const customListDataOnComment: {
        hotkey: string,
        type: string,
        data: {
            id: string,
            name: string,
            description: string
    } =  {
        hotkey: "!",
        type: "custom",
        data: [
                id: '1',
                name: 'Name 1',
                description: 'Test Description 1'
                id: '2',
                name: 'Name 2',
                description: 'Test Description 2'
                id: '3',
                name: 'Name 3',
                description: 'Test Description 3'

API Methods

const commentElement = client.getCommentElement();			
<VeltComments customListDataOnComment={customListDataOnComment} />

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